This is very much a hands on day utilising the opportunity to practice veneer and crown preparations on teeth mounted in plaster under supervision and providing constructive feedback. This is supplemented by theory with a focus on evidence based practice. We also ask delegates to fabricate a provisional crown and we emphasise the importance of a good quality provisional.
- To improve the planning and provision of crown and bridgework in general dental practice.
- This day will be an in depth appraisal of crown and bridgework with an opportunity to practice techniques on phantom heads.
- Realise the importance of a good quality temporary.
- To examine the indications for crown and bridgework.
- To discuss the need to replace missing teeth and identify the options that are available.
- To identify the advantages and disadvantages of the different materials available.
- To discuss patient selection and assessment.
- To discuss and practice tooth preparation.
- To make silicone indexes.
- Fabricate good quality temporary crowns.
- To discuss cementation and bonding.
- To solve problems experienced by FDs.
- Identify criteria for the use of RBB and successful features incorporated within the design.
Learning Outcomes
- Recognise and manage the indications and contraindications for indirect restorations
- Advocate assessing indirect restorations in a structured protocol
- Modify current practice in relation to best clinical guidelines
- Identify factors which affect longterm prognosis of indirect restorations